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Community Development Grants

CDBG Community Development Block Grant Program


Competitive Grants


A. Water/Sewer Grant-Maximum award is $2,000 per beneficiary. Projects with less than 5,000 beneficiaries are eligible for up to $600,000 in CDBG funds. Project with 5,000 or more beneficiaries are eligible for up to $700,000 in CDBG funding. Project may consist of, but are not limited to, Waterline Replacement, Water Tower repairs and coating, Lift Stations, Lagoons, Treatment plants, Sewer Line Replacement.


B. Community Improvements Grant-Maximum award is $400,000 with funding ceiling of 2,000 per beneficiary. Project may consist of but not limited to, fire protection, bridges, community/senior centers, streets, architectural barrier removal, natural gas and electrical systems, health, mental health, demolition of commercial building and other public facilities projects.


C. Housing Rehabilitation Grant-Maximum award is $300,000. Eligible activities include homeowner, rental rehabilitation and demolition.


Non-Competitive Grants


 A. Commercial Rehabilitation Grant-Maximum award is $250,000. This program is designed to assist private business owners in rehabilitating downtown commercial buildings. The buildings must house viable businesses that will carry on for –profit business activity.


B.  Urgent Need Grants Grant-Maximum award is $400,000. Application must be received within six months of the occurrence.  These awards assist local government in meeting the community needs created by a severe natural or other disaster that pose an immediate threat to health or welfare of the community and for which no other financial resources are available. These applications are reviewed on an as-needed basis throughout the year.


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