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Economic Development Grants

Economic Development Grant


A. The applicant may apply for up to $35,000 per job, with a maximum ceiling of $750,000. The minimum level of funding is $25,000. Business finance grants to cities of counties are, in turn, loaned to provide gap financing for private businesses that create or retain permanent jobs. Funding is also available for infrastructure improvements that directly create or retain permanent jobs. At least 51 percent of the jobs created or retained by the for-profit entity must meet HUD’s LMI Standard.



B. Kansas Regional Water Grant-Maximum award is 1,000,000. The Regional water projects would encompass two or more municipalities/entities who voluntarily agree they must solve a drinking water related need.

       1.   Community Service Tax Credits Applicants may request up to $250,000 in tax credits.                      Applicant organizations in rural areas (< 15,000 population) are eligible for a 70 percent                credit. Applicant organizations in non-rural areas are eligible for a 50 percent credit.


1.   Community Service Tax Credits Applicants may request up to $250,000 in tax credits. Applicant organizations in rural areas (< 15,000 population) are eligible for a 70 percent credit. Applicant organizations in non-rural areas are eligible for a 50 percent credit.


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